聲明 Disclaimer

本部落格有部分Affiliate連結, 如果你使用連結購買產品, 在你不會因此而多付費的前提下, 我或許會收到少量的佣金。我只推薦個人真心覺得不錯的產品, 特別是自己或者朋友都親身使用過覺得不錯的商品。你們的支持也是維持我分享的動力。

This blog contains some affiliate links, if you purchase certain product through the links, I might receive a small amount of commission WITHOUT you paying extra fee. I only recommend the products that me and my friends have used and that we truly like. Your support would provide me with huge motivation to share more!


The below lists out our affiliate partners:

  • DKB
  • comdirect